Your Membership Card
For the 2020 Plan year and beyond, Senior Care Plus has removed the Primary Care Provider information from your insurance identification card. This changes does not impact your ability to access care with your current Primary Care Provider and was made for the following reasons:
- Many health plan members utilize care extenders such as Nurse Practitioners, Physician’s Assistants or APRNs instead of a Primary Care Doctor. The previous policy of capturing the Primary Care Provider that the extender was working under caused confusions for our members and for the doctor’s office the member was utilizing.
- Senior Care Plus members were required to select a Primary Care Provider at the time of enrollment. This created problems with members signing up for a provider, waiting to visit the provider at a later date, and finding out that the provider’s medical panel was full. Understandably, this made members upset as medical care was needed. This change allows members to choose an in-network Primary Care Provider when they are ready to schedule an appointment.
- Lastly, if a member did not sign up for a Primary Care Provider, Senior Care Plus would auto-assign a provider for the member. This practice caused problems for members in location and preference of provider. To eliminate this issue, Senior Care Plus will no longer auto-assign a provider for members.
- To find a provider, please visit our Find a Doc portal.
You will receive a membership card for each family member enrolled in Senior Care Plus. Please contact our Customer Service Department if you misplace your card.
Download the myHometown Mobile App You will typically receive your Hometown Health Member ID card by mail within 10 days of your plan activation date. Visit the App Store or Google Play Store from your smartphone and search for the myHometown Health mobile app. When first using the app, your login ID will be your member number and a personal identification number (PIN) will be your four-digit birth year.
Northern Nevada HMO Sample Membership Card

Southern Nevada HMO Sample Membership Card

Here are a few terms that you may see listed on your Member ID Card:
Effective Date: The date on which your Senior Care Plus plan policy becomes effective
Name: Member name.
PCP: Your Primary Care Physician.
Enrollee #: The member number to identify your policy.
SDS Copay: Same Day Surgery co-payment.
Hospital Copay: Inpatient hospitalization co-payment.
UC/ER Copay: Urgent Care Center/Emergency Room co-payment. (Benefit limit may apply.)
Office Copay: Medical office visit co-payment (payable to your Primary Care Physician or specialist at the time of service).
Rx Copay: Prescription drug co-payment. Generic copayment/brand name copayment.
NOTE: Please present your Senior Care Plus membership card and pay any copayment due at the time you receive services. If you fail to present your membership card or notify the provider that you have Senior Care Plus coverage, you may be responsible for paying for the services rendered during that visit.